June 25, 2012
chips de chou frisée
(kale chips)
My name is Peter and I steal recipes. There. I’ve said it. I’ve admitted it. I’m now on the road to recovery.
Of course we all do it. Some recipes are given to us. Others we copy out of magazines or from the Internet. Some we see on television or in a book. Some we copy verbatim. Others we paraphrase. When we cook the dish described in the recipe, we never make it exactly like the one we copied. We may think we do, but it’s never exactly the same.
If the recipe author has copyrighted their work, only the descriptive words can be protected. The actual prescription part of the recipe is not copyrightable. For the 1500 recipes in my various collections, even though I always credit the original source, the recipe becomes mine because all the descriptive material is new. (Have I just taken back my admission of being a recipe thief?)
So my recipe for chips de chou frisée is only sort of stolen. I started with Brenda Grimse’s recipe for kale chips, and let my imagination run loose. I think if you compare the words, you’ll find them much different, but the concept is all Brenda’s. Thank you, Brenda.
5 large leaves
lacinato kale, very dry
extra-virgin olive oil, in a mister
fine salt
ground sansho pepper
1. Preheat your oven to 180 °C (355 °F).
2. Cut the leafy portion of the greens from the stems, producing two long pieces from each leaf. Arrange the leaves, dull side down, on a parchment paper- or Silpat-lined, rimmed baking sheet. Mist lightly with the oil, and sprinkle with the salt and pepper. Lay an icing rack upside down on the leaves to hold them flat.
3. Bake the leaves until they start to brown very slightly and are dry and crisp, about 10 minutes, depending on conditions.
4. Carefully remove the icing rack from the baking sheet. Carefully lift the “chips” and arrange them in pairs in deep shot glasses for serving. Serve immediately.
Note: The two spare leaves are in case some get broken in handling.
Yield: 4 servings.

© 2012 Peter Hertzmann. All rights reserved.