beurre d’ail et persil
(garlic-parsley compound butter)
55 g (4 T)
soft unsalted butter
1 t
pureed garlic
4 g
finely minced, flat‑leaf parsley
fine salt
1. Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix with a spatula until blended. Flatten the butter between two pieces of parchment paper until it is an even thickness, about 3 mm (18 in). Refrigerate the whole package to harden the butter.
2. The beurre composé can be used as is by simply peeling off the paper, or pieces can be cut from the butter using a knife or decorative cutters. If the beurre composé begins to soften while the pieces are being cut, the whole package is returned to the refrigerator for a few minutes to harden the butter again. Alternately, portions of the butter can be rolled or scooped into balls, chilled, and cut in half for serving — the flat surface keeps the beurre composé from rolling off the food while serving.
Yield: 4 servings.
Ref: various sources.
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